work part-time at a school. Therefore I am surrounded by nerdy math
teachers and science geeks, all of whom spent the week reminding the rest of the staff that today is pi day. You know – March 14, or the number
3.14, which is the ratio of a circle's circumference to
its diameter. (Why is this important? I don't know.) My
children also reminded me, more than once, that today is pi day.
That's because they are nerds, too.
However the idea got planted, I couldn't get it out of my brain that
I needed to eat some pie. It doesn't take much to convince me to eat
pie. Pie is my favorite dessert in the entire universe. The crust
is the best part. If you put me on a deserted island and gave me
lifetime supply of pie crust and water coffee, I would definitely survive.
My other mission today was to acquire some much needed groceries for
the family. They can be so demanding, this brood of mine. They
insist on having some “new” food in the house every week or so.
“Good food,” they say. By this they mean food that has
the maximum amount of high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fat,
and the minimal amount of fiber or nutrients. They also regularly
request food that food that hasn't expired. (I'm a bargain shopper,
what can I say?) There is just no pleasing them.
That being said, I knew I could easily combine the day's two missions
into one: get food and get pie. Well, pie is food, but you
know what I mean. I'm happy to give in to my children's sweet tooth
once in a while, especially if it involves pie.
First, I went to Horrocks. I love Horrocks, and I normally wouldn't
pick on one of my favorite stores, but today they had a total of
three pies. Apparently they didn't get the memo that today is pi
day. None of the available flavors promised to satisfy my family.
Next, I went to Aldi, which has a little bit of everything. Except
On the way home, I stopped at Quality Dairy, home of donuts, muffins,
scones, coffee cake, and a wide variety of other addictive, yet
legal, sugary baked goods (and, oh yeah, dairy products; hence the
name Quality Dairy). But guess what? No pie.
The helpful QD staff suggested that I try Roma Bakery just down the
street. Nope, no pie.
I came home and unloaded the groceries. I was tired. I took a nap.
But I still wanted some damn pie!
I had to take my daughter to a babysitting gig at 2:00, so I decided
I would continue my quest for pie. And then it hit me, “Why not go
to the Grand Traverse Pie Company?” Really? It took at least
eight hours for my brain to dig deep into its fatigued memory stores
and come up with that? It has the word pie in its name, for
heaven's sake!
dropping my daughter off, I drove downtown. If you haven't been
here, Lansing has a nice little downtown area: neat shops and
restaurants, brick streets, and....parking meters. Shoot. I forgot
about the meters. Did I have one stinking quarter on my person or
anywhere in my van? No. But instead of doing the sane thing and
going inside to ask for change, I decided that I would drive a few
blocks south and hit my favorite thrift store. I needed to look for
some household items anyway.
bought three pairs of shoes. And of course, I got a few quarters for
the meters.
headed back north on Washington Avenue and, just as I came up to
Kalamazoo Street, I realized, “Oh, yeah, the library is just a
block away.” I had been meaning to go to the downtown library to
do a bit of research on a book I want to write. I parked, sloshed
through the melting snow in order to feed the meter, and entered the
wandered around aimlessly, looking for inspiration. I finally
decided to check out Lost
in Yonkers,
which has absolutely nothing to do with the book I want to write.
library is now so high-tech that I just had to scan my library key
tag, then scan the book and I was on my way. However, when I passed
through the security sensors, the alarm went off and I returned to
the customer service desk, feeling sheepish that I had ignored the
reminder on the screen that I owed $.80 in library fines. “I'm
sorry, I'm sorry,” I gushed. “I can pay the fine.”
library ladies had a hearty laugh and assured me that the alarm
hadn't gone off because of my unpaid fines. The scan just hadn't
registered yet. I got my book, and they had a good chuckle at my
finally, FINALLY, I arrived at GT Pie. Another meter, another
quarter, and another pile of slush to wade through. All in the name
of freaking pie! (Oh, my gosh, did I just say that out loud? I'm
sorry, pie, I'm so sorry. I love you. I would do anything for you.)
the end, I bought one chocolate cream pie. The bonus was that GT Pie
was not only aware
of pi day, but they were also promoting it shamelessly by offering a
free slice of pie with every purchase. I promptly ate my free slice
of strawberry rhubarb with crumbly topping, so that I wouldn't have
to share it with the rest of the family.
I told you I love pie. Don't judge me.
I told you I love pie. Don't judge me.
so, here I sit, enjoying my slice of chocolate cream, relaxing after my lengthy pursuit of pie and other
things. The only thing left in my mind is: why is
pi so important?