And Cody Simpson.
For the past few years, Lansing has hosted up-and-coming pipsqueaks to perform on the capitol steps. Last year, it was Josh Golden. I looked him up on google, and he's pretty cute, but he's only 16. He looks way more grown up than a 16-year-old should. I haven't heard any more about him since then, but my girls were pretty psyched to be right next to the capitol steps so they could see him from the side. He came out and started singing, dancing and lunging toward the crowd, at which point I saw his boxers.
Girls behind me were yelling, "I love you Josh!", and "I want to marry you, Josh".
After many years of yelling practice, I was able to shout above everyone, "Pull your pants up, Josh!"
Back to Cody Simpson. I looked him up online to see who he was - at least I'd heard of him before. He is a little kid, people. He probably still plays with legos and wears underoos. Doesn't he look like the kid next door who comes over to ask if your 7-year-old can come out and play?
And, you can disagree with me if you want to, but in this picture, he looks like a little kid who is dressing up in his Dad's Ray-Bans for a theme day at school.
Cody Simpson is indeed a good singer, but even the songs he sings are inappropriately "old" for a 14-year-old. I was just shocked at this little kid, traveling the globe, having girls scream at him for his awesome voice and his pre-pubescent body (which by the way was wearing purple jeggings that still hung loose on him). I thought about him from the perspective of his mother - how would I feel if that were my kid??? Proud, I'm sure, but a little weirded out, too, at the way little girls were acting about my little boy.
Yeah, this has fuddy-duddy written all over it.